I loved this little three day experience I was able to have with my sister and brother-in-law. They are really cute and funny individuals. The highlights of the trip were:
1. the HUGE lightning storms that would show up whenever Jeff was driving
2. getting lost in the Sacred Grove and not knowing what path to take to get back to the car (it was like a mini Joseph Smith experience for me so I really appreciated it)
3. picking and eating blackberries in the Sacred Grove
4. how long it took us to agree on a parking spot at Niagara Falls (but weren't those waterfalls absolutely breath-taking?!)
5. crashing at a long lost friend's house in Indiana and being so tired that I kept saying Duke instead of Notre Dame as the campus in town.
6. stopping at a random Walmart off the freeway in what could possible be the worst smelling corner of the universe (or at least Nebraska) just so we could walk around for a few minutes
7. pulling over to sleep in random neighborhoods
8. secretly keeping track of how many near-death experiences we had related to cross-car kissing...
9. almost running out of gas in the middle of nowhere and being grateful for tiny little towns with chevrons and McDonalds (and the random dance parties held in their parking lots)
10. getting lost trying to find a lost lake in Veil
11. never being so happy to see red rock or Utah license plates
12. having the whole family, plus the dogs, outside waiting for us when we pulled up
oh...and the 180 taco we had for dinner when we got home. yum yum yum. I'm never leaving Orem again....PSYCH!
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