Wednesday, March 26, 2014


every year, you need to find some sunshine in the midst of winter.
for me, it always comes in the form of a baseball tournament.
the dixie high kent garrett sunshine baseball tournament.
all through high school, it brought warmth and happiness into my cold frozen heart
(that comes with seasonal depression in cold, dry happy valley)
yes, i LOVE this weekend! every year.

this is the last year my brother G will be playing in this tournament.
bitter sweet.
but it was wonderful to watch these cute boys play their hearts out.
and they did very well too.

G hit two home runs in a row in his last game.
I was so proud of him!
it has to feel so good to just slam it out of the park!

the sun did not disappoint.
and I spent some wonderful time with my family.
living in provo makes me forget sometimes
just how much I love them.
oh how I love them.

and I reaffirmed my undying love for baseball.
(sometimes I forget that too during basketball season...
but baseball really is the best!!)

thank you sunshine.
for reminding me that warmth exists.
and tanned skin.
and an excuse to wear shorter shorts than BYU allows....
and thank you hoards of high school students
who brought back a lot of memories
some good and some bad
of what it was like to be a teenager
in love with adventure and weekend roadtrips
and boys in baseball pants
and who manage, somehow, to wear shorter shorts that I do.

i do and always will love you.

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