Monday, February 2, 2015

Eat sleep repeat

I think I'm beginning to get it.
The repetition that is life.
The eat sleep repeat pattern you fall into.
Because nothing is ever really new.
And if it is new its few and far between.

But for the most part you get to the end of a day
And realize you're just going to wake up to another day.
No matter how productive you were the day before
And no matter how many many goals you met
Or checks you made in your to-do list
You'll have to do it all over when you wake up.

This Monday proceeds another Monday
And both mark the start of another week
Another day closer to next weekend,
which will be two days like last weekend.
And each weekend we stop holding our breath
Like the weekend before
Until we realize on Sunday night that the weekend is over
And we have to get up on Monday and do it all again.

This goes for the few days a year that seem different as well.
Christmas time is always new and exciting
But always left with some line of "there's always next year."
And birthdays don't exempt you from anything really.
It's just another day on the same day every year.
And they is life!
Eat sleep repeat
Eat sleep repeat
Eat sleep repeat

I can only imagine how people stay sane.
I completely understand the "mid-life crisis"
Because who, after 30 or 40 years of the same thing:
Same schedule, same car, same home, same dreams,
And really a cycle of the same breakfasts lunches and dinners,
Could still be completely ok with their life?
Could ANYONE stay sane??

Sun up, sundown.
Maybe tomorrow.
Definitely next week.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Remind me at our appointment next month.
Welcome to 180 taco, The normal?
Next time I'll be brave and cut bangs.
Eat sleep repeat.
Eat sleep repeat.

But what would I do without knowing I have at least this to depend on?

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