Sunday, August 24, 2014

OdDs & eNdS

Just a few photos to sum up the odds and ends of this summer...

Bear Lake. Juanito Bandito. My mother's birthday. finishing school. rafting (and getting ship-wrecked on) the Provo River. saying see you later to my beautiful cousin Jenny Noel. old friends. new friends. late night adventures. good food. better people. homecomings. farewells. weddings. growing up. crafting and painting and organizing. puppies (making that 11 dogs in the Cook household). birthday parties. pudding cake. Robin Williams memories. parties. two year cancerversaries. summer dresses. spending a lot of time with Jesi and her family. singing Chess at the top of our lungs waaayyyy too often. watching downton abbey and dying inside when Matthew dies. some good movies. lots of family time. babysitting. studying. reading children's books out loud around campfires.

it has been a good, random, busy, different, up and down kind of summer.